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The Art Collision & Repair Shop is a process-driven project about creativity, collaboraton, and the prospects of failure, created by Susan Begy. ArtCollision debuted at Center for Contemporary Arts in Santa Fe in 2014 with Kathryn M Davis as co-curator. It involved 14 original artists, 28 art mechanics, and 9 completed works.


An auto repair shop owned by Begy's father serves as a metaphor for ArtCollision, during which "stalled" or "failed" artworks are collected from artists in the community. These objects are assigned to teams of "art mechanics" who, through collaboration and experimentation, bring the works to a state of repair. 

The Story of Art Collicion & Repair Shop™

Video by Curious Alien Studio

Santa Fe Art Collision Shop, 2014

Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe

November 2014 - January 2015

Original Artists: Rita Bard, Susan Begy, Susanna Carlisle, Matthew Chase-Daniel, Geoffrey Gorman, Charles Greeley, Bruce Hamilton, Bob Haozous, Joel Hobbie, Jennifer Joseph, Eve Andrée Laramée, Bunny Tobias, Judy Tuwaletstiwa, Jerry Wellman.

Art Mechanics:  Ethan Bach, Susan Begy, Kristin Bortles, Alexis Bove, Paula Castillo, Cary Cluett, Sydney Cooper, Kathyrn M Davis, Sandra Halpin, Jamie Hamilton, Hannah Hughes, Cheri Ibes, Christopher J Johnson, Caity Kennedy, Don Kennell, Matt King, Shirley Klinghoffer, Katherine Lee, Michael Lujan, Nina Mastrangelo, Dylan McLaughlin, Stacey Neff, Willy Richardson, Michael Schippling, Erika Wanenmacher, Raina Wellman, Jerry Wellman.

Original work on left ~ "repaired" team work on right.

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